Source code for elli.dispersions.tauc_lorentz

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"""Tauc-Lorentz dispersion law. Model by Jellison and Modine."""
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from numpy.lib.scimath import sqrt

from ..utils import conversion_wavelength_energy
from .base_dispersion import Dispersion

[docs]class TaucLorentz(Dispersion): """Tauc-Lorentz dispersion law. Model by Jellison and Modine. Single parameters: :Eg: Bandgap energy (eV). Defaults to 1. Repeated parameters: :A: Strength of the absorption. Typically 10 < A < 200. Defaults to 20. :E: Lorentz resonance energy (eV). Always keep E > Eg!!. Defaults to 1.5. :C: Lorentz broadening (eV). Typically 0 < Ci < 10. Defaults to 1. Output: The Tauc lorentz dispersion. Please refer to the references for a full formula. References: * G.E. Jellision and F.A. Modine, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 (3), 371-374 (1996) * Erratum, G.E. Jellison and F.A. Modine, Appl. Phys. Lett 69 (14), 2137 (1996) * H. Chen, W.Z. Shen, Eur. Phys. J. B. 43, 503-507 (2005) """ single_params_template = {"Eg": 1} rep_params_template = {"A": 20, "E": 1.5, "C": 1} @staticmethod def eps1(E, Eg, Ai, Ei, Ci): gamma2 = sqrt(Ei**2 - Ci**2 / 2) ** 2 alpha = sqrt(4 * Ei**2 - Ci**2) aL = ( (Eg**2 - Ei**2) * E**2 + Eg**2 * Ci**2 - Ei**2 * (Ei**2 + 3 * Eg**2) ) aA = (E**2 - Ei**2) * (Ei**2 + Eg**2) + Eg**2 * Ci**2 zeta4 = (E**2 - gamma2) ** 2 + alpha**2 * Ci**2 / 4 # fmt: off return ( Ai*Ci*aL/2.0/np.pi/zeta4/alpha/Ei*np.log((Ei**2 + Eg**2 + alpha*Eg)/(Ei**2 + Eg**2 - alpha*Eg)) - \ Ai*aA/np.pi/zeta4/Ei*(np.pi - np.arctan((2.0*Eg + alpha)/Ci) + np.arctan((alpha - 2.0*Eg)/Ci)) + \ 2.0*Ai*Ei*Eg/np.pi/zeta4/alpha*(E**2 - gamma2)*(np.pi + 2.0*np.arctan(2.0/alpha/Ci*(gamma2 - Eg**2))) - \ Ai*Ei*Ci*(E**2 + Eg**2)/np.pi/zeta4/E*np.log(abs(E - Eg)/(E + Eg)) + \ 2.0*Ai*Ei*Ci*Eg/np.pi/zeta4 * \ np.log(abs(E - Eg) * (E + Eg) / sqrt((Ei**2 - Eg**2)**2 + Eg**2 * Ci**2)) ) # fmt: on def dielectric_function(self, lbda: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.NDArray: energy = conversion_wavelength_energy(lbda) energy_g = self.single_params.get("Eg") return sum( ( 1j * ( c.get("A") * c.get("E") * c.get("C") * (energy - energy_g) ** 2 / ( (energy**2 - c.get("E") ** 2) ** 2 + c.get("C") ** 2 * energy**2 ) / energy ) * np.heaviside(energy - energy_g, 0) + self.eps1(energy, energy_g, c.get("A"), c.get("E"), c.get("C")) ) for c in self.rep_params )